Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oh My Cod!

Oh My Cod...cod liver oil that is. Sounds nasty, I know! I started reading a lot about cod liver oil recently. And its like the miracle drug. But its not a drug, its natural and fabulous for you! I have found the best way to take it!

Introducing Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cold Liver Oil....

I wanted to start taking cod liver oil capsules for my acne. But the more I read about it the more I realized I wanted my whole family to take it for all of its health benefits. Some of the health benefits include healthy skin, improved oral health, a healthy digestive tract, and depression and mood disorders. I knew my husband wouldn't mind taking capsules, but my 9 year old and 2 year old daughters would not be able to take them. So, I chose this particular brand because I read so many great reviews about its taste and quality. It obviously has an oil texture to it, but it seriously tastes just like lemons! Well more like the lemon towelette wipes at KFC, but definitely tolerable. I have the pickiest 9 year old in the world and she takes it without too much complaint. I didn't tell her what it was called, only that its a magic vitamin that will help cavities stay away! She shoots it and then chases it with fruit loops. It's the family friendly version of a shooter party! But seriously the fact that I continue to have her take it each day without a melt down is truly amazing! And the 2 year old, well she's kind of like a garbage disposal. So she asks for more all of the time. Which I don't do. I only give her 1/2 teaspoon a day because its only safe in moderation, just like any other vitamin. I take 1 teaspoon in the morning and at night. A few of the places that I know you can by the Carlson Cod Liver Oil are online, Whole Foods and Sprouts. I bought mine at Sprouts because it is like Whole Foods only cheaper. I paid $26 for my bottle. I have only been taking it for a couple of days and have noticed a slight improvement in my skin, but I will report back in a week or two. I did read that the cod liver oil is considered a natural version of Acutane for the skin. I guess we will see...

This cod liver oil has EPA, DHA, vitamins, A, D and E in it. These nutrients are good for...

DHA is a fatty acid that is essential to the health of your nervouse system and eyes.
It is vital to preventing depression. If you suffer from intermittent or chronic depression, you want to get DHA through your diet every day.
If you're pregnant or you plan on getting pregnant, it's best that you eat foods with DHA on a regular basis in order to support proper development of your baby’s nervous system and prevent depression during pregnancy and after your baby arrives. I read that the vast majority of cases of post partum depression can be avoided just by ensuring adequate intake of DHA.

EPA is a fatty acid that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and decreases inflammation throughout your body. Its anti-inflammatory properties make EPA especially helpful to people who suffer with arthritis. EPA is also closely linked with your emotional health, with many studies showing that it plays a strong role in preventing depression.

Vitamin A is necessary for proper vision, healthy skin, and strong mucosal linings, including the lining of your digestive tract. Many skin and digestive disorders cannot fully heal without adequate vitamin A intake.

Vitamin D is needed to reduce risk of virtually every type of cancer.

Vitamin D is essential to maintaining strong bones and teeth. It enhances the strength and efficiency of your immune system, and decreases your risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Vitamin D helps your body regulate its blood sugar levels, playing an important role in preventing type 2 diabetes. Finally, vitamin D is one of several nutrients that are necessary for preventing high blood pressure. 

I suggest you try it however I am not a doctor and this is only my opinion based on information that I have read. If you have any health concerns, please check with your doctor first!

I would love to hear from anyone that has experienced the benefits from cod liver oil!

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