Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 2

Yesterday I did pretty good. I felt great in the morning. I drank a ton of water throughout the day, probably 3-4  liters. I wanted to keep the vegetable bloat away! My problem came in the afternoon, I went too long without eating. For me that's more than 2 hours. I'm hypoglycemic and I get tired and lethargic if I don't eat often. So that was my own fault. I also started craving snacky foods. I hadn't bought my beloved kale chips yet. So I made my trip to Whole Foods and went crazy on the raw food isle. I bought kale chips, raw protein bars, raw crackers, and raw macaroons. I'm the kind of person that LOVES treats and salty snacks. I know I will be successful with this challenge now because I found  foods that were raw and able to fulfill my cravings. I have to admit I did pig-out on my new snacks when I got home, due to hunger! So lessons that I  learned  and my advice to anyone else eating raw. Equip yourself not only with fresh fruits and vegetables. But have raw snacks and treats to help you through your naughty cravings. Also, drink a ton of water and then drink some more. Water will be your friend! I don't recommend pigging-out, that's never good for you even with healthy snacks. Moderation is key, but be consistent. Don't allow yourself to get hungry.

Day 2

Weight: 115 lbs (down 1.4 lbs.)

 Zit Count: 15 (down 4)
 I takes a few days for my skin to really reflect what I have been eating good or bad. Right now its dealing with all of the junk food I ate on the weekend. I expect my skin to really improve on the 3rd or 4th day.

How I feel today:
I feel really good. I usually feel like I'm carrying a brick around in my stomach. I usually just feel bloated and gross. Today it feels like I'm only carrying a pebble around. I'm much less bloated, even after eating so many greens and vegetables. I account that to the water.

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
Today I woke up and had a big glass of water. And instead of a banana I tried one of the new Raw Revolution Live Food Bars. That was a perfect breakfast. As a snack I had some kale chips and a handful of sugar plum tomatoes. Clementines are also a really refreshing snack. For lunch I will make a smoothie and have a few raw almonds. Later I will have a dry salad and a few raw crackers. And for dessert!!! I will try to eat only a few Coco-Roons. They are so good!

Here are some of the snacks that saved the day! I apologize that a few of the packages are missing their tops. Like I said, I was hungry and ripped these suckers open in the car.

These I have to say, are very delicious. They were perfect for my treat craving.

As you all know I love the Vampire Killer Kale. I decided to also get the Natural Nacho and give it a try. It is good, but the Vampire Killer is still my #1.

These bars are great. I felt like I was eating a moist brownie. They are perfect to carry in your bag or purse to have on the go. They will keep you out of trouble if you get hungry and need a fast meal. They also filled me up.

The Whole Foods that I went to, didn't carry Brad's Raw Crackers. So I got these instead. I have to say, they aren't bad. But, I assume based on how much I like Brad's Raw Kale, that his crackers are better.

All in all, I'm thrilled that I have started this Raw Food Journey. I've been reading a lot of information and learning a lot. In one day my results have been great. So I look forward to my future raw days!

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