Friday, January 11, 2013

Brad's Raw 7 Day Challenge

If you saw my blog post yesterday, you saw me raving about the best kale chips ever. Made by Brad's Raw Foods. Well while I was browsing their facebook page, I noticed they are having a 7 Day Raw Food Challenge starting on Jan. 14th.  I've heard a lot of great things about raw food diets. I have wanted to try a raw food diet for awhile.  I just never got around it. I bought a book 10 years ago and all I did with it was place it nicely on my shelf. Some of the health benefits from the raw food diet include weight loss, energy gain, clearer skin, and overall improvement in health.

I decided that I was going to finally give the raw food diet a try. So, here goes! I have nothing to lose but the fat on my belly and the zits on my face. And Brad's Raw Foods is being incredibly generous and giving 2 bags of raw chips to all of the challengers that complete the 7 day challenge. So at least I will get 2 bags of the best chips in the world! That's motivation enough for me : ) I challenge you to try this with me or you can just point and laugh at me while eating your bacon! To receive your chips you have to follow a few of their rules. You can go to their website or facebook page to find out all of the details and sign up for this challenge. I will put the link below.

 I will be "blogging in" each day to let you know how I am doing on the challenge and how I feel. I will be very honest with both the good and the bad. So check my blog each day to see how I'm doing. I will also try to post a few recipes as I go.

For more information on how to do a raw food diet,  I suggest using good old google. You can even go to the library or a local bookstore. The Brad's Raw Foods website and facebook page also has really good information about the raw food diet too. You can also read testimonials from other people that have tried it.

January 14th is the kick off day!


  1. See you there! It will be my 4th time doing the challenge! :)

    1. It must be good if you keep doing it! Thanks for the encouragement : )
