Monday, January 14, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Kick Off Day 1

Today is the 1st day of Brad's Raw Food Challenge. I am excited to start it. For the last few months I have felt like crap. I'm tired a lot. I feel yucky and bloated all of the time. I don't have much energy. So its definitely time for a change in my lifestyle and this challenge came at the perfect time. I will "blog in" each day and keep you updated on how I am feeling and things that I am learning.

Yesterday I had my last cooked meal. I decided on totally terrible for you greasy Chinese food. And I got a great fortune in my fortune cookie. Perfect timing for this challenge.

And right now I FEEL more like 50 than the 29 that I am. I'm hoping after the 7 days I feel like a teenager again!

Day 1

Weight: 116.4 lbs

 Zit Count: 19
(I do have to say that the zits make me feel like a teenager, but that's not exactly the way I want to feel like a teenager. My zits are definitely hereditary, but I notice a huge improvement in my skin when I am eating healthy. )

How I feel today:
I feel excited and energized. I feel a little bloated from last night's fattening dinner.

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
I woke up and had a big glass of water and a banana.When I got home from dropping my daughter off at school, I made a smoothie and had a handful of raw almonds. I will continue to drink a lot of water, I know that will help flush the toxins. I plan to have lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day and I'm most excited for dinner which will be Brad's Raw Leafy Kale Chips.

Check in to see how I feel tomorrow! For those that have done this challenge...Do you have any words of wisdom or recipes to share?


  1. Saw your blog link over at Brads Raw FB Page- I am doing the 7 day challenge as well, this is my second time around. I used to eat this way for years and fell off the wagon- it's amazing how much better your body feels when eating this way! Sounds like you are off to a good start!

    1. Thank you so much for taking a look at my blog! I bet you have some great advice and food ideas. Its crazy how easy it is to stray from healthy eating even though you feel so yucky doing it. I will make sure to head over and check out your blog! Thanks again!
