Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 3

Yesterday I was busy running errands. I ended up snacking on the kale, raw crackers, and almonds mostly. I had a few smoothies, but I lacked eating the fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm kind of feeling guilty. I feel like I am falling into my naughty ways of eating, even though I am sticking with the raw snack foods. I normally tend to avoid eating fruits and vegetables. I'm not really sure why because I like the taste of them. Maybe I just need to "spice" them up, make them more exciting. I have also been doing a lot of research and finding raw food recipes. I might attempt to make a yummy snack food. Chips and salsa has been sounding good. I've also been surprised, I'm realizing that there actually are a lot of food options for eating raw.

Day 3

Weight: 114 lbs (down 2.4 lbs. total)

 Zit Count: 13 (down 6 total)
My skin is improving a little each day

How I feel today:
I feel good today. I definitely have more energy. I woke up today feeling ready to get things done. I normally wake up feeling like I got hit by a train. (I have a 2 year old that doesn't sleep through the night) I even got my hair and makeup done before 2 o'clock!

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
I will continue to drink a ton of water. I will try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables today. I will have a smoothie because those are really great at filling me up. I also like to cut up a banana and sprinkle cinnamon on it. Feels like dessert! Kale and almonds are my staple throughout the day.

I'm still happy eating raw. I really do suggest it to everyone. It would be a great lifestyle change or just a great way to jump start a healthy eating lifestyle. If anyone has a great raw chips and salsa recipe, I would love to get it!

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