Saturday, January 19, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 6

For the last few days, I have been out of snack foods. I've only had fruits/veggies and almonds. It's been so cold in Salt Lake, like 15 degrees That I haven't wanted to go out to replenish my food. My husband tells me I'm like a hibernating bear. He can't get me out of the house when its cold. That's where the trouble started,  the hunger snuck up on me last night, hard and fast! I seriously turned into Joe Pesci in that Snickers commercial. My poor family. I hadn't taken my own advice and I let myself get hungry. I was almost ready to throw in the towel. For what, 20 minutes of being hungry. I gave myself a pep talk on how good I had been doing. I told myself that I would be able to make it for 10 more minutes while my husband ran to the store. So I'm sure he drove to the store like a mad man in fear that I might eat my own young while he was gone. He returned with 2 bags full of groceries to make a great salad. After I got done eating, I felt like a whole new woman. Phew! I was so glad that I hadn't given up. So again, I tell you. Don't go hungry. I'm putting my gloves,scarf, and coat on as we speak to go to the store. I will return from Whole Foods with plenty of foods to keep Joe Pesci at bay.

Day 6

Weight: 114 lbs (down 2.4 lbs. total)
I have maintained the same weight for the last 3 days.

Zit Count: 7 (down 12 total)
I'm happy to wake up each morning and see the improvement in my skin. Aside from the zits, I have noticed an overall improvement in the way my skin looks. I've noticed less fine lines around my eyes.

How I feel today:
Today, I woke up with more energy then I have had for the last 2 days. I was excited. That made me feel very positive and hopeful. I feel like I can really keep going with this lifestyle.

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
For breakfast I had strawberries and almonds. For lunch, I will eat an avocado with salsa, like I have had for the last few days. I really like it and look forward to lunch each day. Last night for dinner I had a really great salad with 4 kinds of lettuce, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, broccoli-sprinkled with almonds. Then for a family dessert we had a yummy green smoothie.

I know I'm a crazy person when I'm hungry. Do any of you have funny stories from when you haven't eaten for awhile?

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