Sunday, January 20, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 7 Final Day

Today is the final day of the raw food challenge. But the beginning of a new way of life for me! I recommend everyone give raw food eating a try. You can try the 7 day challenge like I did. Its a great way to test the waters. You really don't have much to lose. If you don't like it, you can always go back to the way you were eating before. Although, I'm betting you won't. I want to thank Brad's Raw Chips for the encouragement and support throughout this challenge. And especially for their FABULOUS kale chips.

Day 7- Final Day

Weight: 113 lbs (down 3.4 lbs. total)
I lost 3.4 lbs in this 7 day challenge.

Zit Count: 5 (down 14 total)
I have lost a lot of zits during this challenge. I am very excited about that.

How I feel today:
Today, I woke up with lots of energy and I am excited to continue to eat healthy.

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
For breakfast I had a raw protein bar and an orange. For lunch I had some kale chips, almonds and a dry salad. For dinner I'm going salsa and kale chips and a veggie plate. And to celebrate, for dessert I'm going to have raw brownie coco-roons!

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