Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The beginning of something new!

Most of my adult life I have left my Husband, Family and Friends wondering why I'm always changing things.  I started wondering myself if there was something wrong with me?

 I have been a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. I have had long hair and short hair. I have sold every product out there, Mark Kay, Lia Sophia, Cookie Lee, Beauti Control... and not stuck with any of them. I'm constantly changing my house decor and my personal style. I try beauty product after beauty product.

 AND I finally realized, there is nothing wrong with me! I just LOVE to try new things. I find it very fun! I am someone who learns through experiencing it myself. Even if someone says oh that movie was terrible, I still have to see it for myself.  Sometimes I like the new things I have tried and sometimes I hate them-like the pixie haircut I got a few years ago. So I decided to blog about all of the things that I try-for the people out there that don't like trying new things, you can check in with me to determine how it worked out.

I hope you enjoy my blog! I hope you learn about products you may be interested in. If nothing, I hope you will get a laugh at my expense!

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