Friday, November 30, 2012

Birthday Balloon Bandit

It's 2:00 am and I just got done balloon bombing our living room for my Husband's Birthday! I love surprising my family with a bunch of balloons! A few months ago I balloon bombed my Daughter's room, and last week I balloon bombed the inside of my Dad's car while he was at work.  For the living room, I blew up (by mouth) around 250 balloons. It takes awhile, but if you start a few days in advance you can put them in garbage bags and hide them around the house. Unfortunately, I was only able to blow up half in advance. I just got done blowing up the other half. It really is a ton of fun and I think it makes the birthday boy/girl really happy!

There are layers of balloons!

The Elf on the Shelf even joined in the fun!
It reminds me of the ball pits at McDonald's

Even the couches have to be covered in balloons!

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