Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DIY: Valentine's Day Heart Garland

I have been seeing a ton of cute heart garland around, but most of the tutorials are for felt garland using your sewing machine. Well I have a sewing machine, but only my husband knows how to use it : ) So when I saw garland that could be made using a stapler, I knew it was right down my alley. Here's how to do it...


Paper  (I used 2 hot pink poster boards) 
Stapler and Staples
Fishing line, yarn, or baker's string
heart beads
Pen or Pencil
Hole Puncher


We will need to get lots of strips of paper. Use your ruler and draw straight lines across your paper. Mine were 1.5 inch by 12 inches. I just used the width of the ruler as my guide. Make as many as you want. it will depend on how long you want your garland.

Then cut out all of the strips of paper using your scissors.

Fold your strip of paper in half.

Bend the two end pieces in making a heart shape.

Staple where the two pieces come together. 

One staple will hold your heart.

Now using your hole puncher. Punch one hole just above the staple so that the hole goes through both pieces.

 Then punch a hole on each outside part of the heart. Try to make them all as level as possible. It will hang on the string straighter.

Now string your beads and paper hearts onto your string. 

Continue alternating between beads and heart until you get your desired length of garland.

I loved this project because it was so easy. I am no Martha Stewart! There are also so many different ways that you could do this project. You could use patterned paper, old pages from a book, or sheets of music. I also thought it would be fun to dip the edges of the hearts into glue and then sprinkle with glitter.

 I made one garland using the fishing line and one garland using the baker's string. I thought that the baker's string looked better than the fishing line. 

My kitchen table was covered with hearts! My 2 year old daughter loved it. She kept saying, " dats lots of heartbeats"!

You could also put your hearts in a jar or vase. Just make sure not to punch holes in them. 

I would love to see the garland that you make. Tweet me your pictures to triesstuffgirl or instagram them at ashleypettit23.

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