Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Have you jumped on the Greek Yogurt Bandwagon yet?


There is so much hype over Greek yogurt!  For months, I had been reading that Greek yogurt was so much better for you than regular yogurt. I read article after article suggesting you replace the eggs and oil in recipes with Greek yogurt. So I decided to make the switch. I tried a few different brands at first. They had a different taste than regular yogurt, but they certainly weren't bad. And now I prefer the taste to regular yogurt. 

The first brand that I tried had 8g of protein, the second brand that I tried had 10g of protein. Then I found Chobani, it has 14g of protein and is an all natural yogurt. NO ASPARTAME!

 Chobani was also the best tasting brand that I had tried. I started having the Chobani for breakfast with 5-6 almonds tossed in. It kept me full until lunch time. I'm normally someone that has to have a snack every few hours. I know that its healthier to eat that often but its not always convenient.

 It was incredible, I started loosing weight and having a lot more energy too! Really you ask, all that from one container of yogurt? YES! It really is that amazing. I buy the Chobani at Target for $1.22. I know that's double the cost of regular yogurt. But with all of the health benefits, it's totally worth the cost. And you can replace it as a meal. I recommend Chobani to everyone!

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