Friday, January 18, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 5

Now that I'm reaching the end of this challenge, I find myself thinking a lot about whether I will change my everyday eating to a raw lifestyle. It would be so easy to go back to unhealthy eating. But, I have seen so many improvements during this raw eating challenge, that it would just be dumb to go back. I think that I could start out on a 75 raw/25 regular diet and try to increase that eventually to 90/10. I do know that the unraw food I eat will be healthy food. I'm not going to go back to eating processed fattening food anymore. I don't like how it makes me feel. It's so easy to get use to feeling tired and sluggish. I prefer getting use to feeling energetic and healthy. I know that I will need to do a lot more research to find recipes that will give myself and my family a variety of meals. Luckily, there are a ton out there. It may be a little more challenging trying to sway my daughters from their beloved chicken nuggets. However, if I succeed with that, I deserve a gold medal!

Day 5

Weight: 114 lbs (down 2.4 lbs. total)
I haven't lost any more weight in the last 2 days. I think the coco-roons might be to blame.They have the most fat out of all of the things that I am eating.

Zit Count: 8 (down 11 total)
I'm happy to wake up each more and see the improvement in my skin. Aside from the zits, I have noticed an overall improvement in the way my skin looks. I've noticed less fine lines around my eyes.

How I feel today:
I feel good again today. I have actually been surprised at how I feel good each day. I expected to have a few hard days. I haven't deprived myself of things, so I think that's what has kept my energy level up. I have been eating a fairly rounded raw diet so my body isn't trying to fight me. I also haven't had any bloating for the last 2 days, so I think I am over that bump in the road. Or should I say "bloat" in the road!

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
For breakfast I had a really delicious fruit salad that had grapes, watermelon, strawberries, clementines, and banana. For lunch, I will eat an avocado with salsa, like I had yesterday. Last night for dinner I had a really great salad with 3 kinds of lettuce, snow peas, cucumbers, and carrots-sprinkled with almonds  I might make that again tonight because it was great! For dessert I had a banana with cinnamon sprinkled on top. I really like those.

If you made the raw lifestyle switch with a family, I would love to hear your advice and get any kid -friendly recipes!

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