Thursday, January 17, 2013

7 Day Raw Food Challenge-Day 4

I have noticed since first starting the raw food challenge, that I have been dreaming consistently every night in between toddler wake ups. That leads me to think that I am getting a little bit more quality sleep. Who can complain about that? Now I just have to get the toddler to sleep through the night and I would be a whole new woman! Aside from the great sleep and other benefits of raw eating, I have noticed if you don't keep a variety in your meals, its easy to get bored and harder to stick to the raw diet. So, today I made salsa to spice up the variety in my meals. I just used tomatoes, a green pepper, cilantro, a jalapeno, garlic, and an onion. I chopped it all up and voila! I was done. Raw eating has been a little more simple than cooking meals. You use just as many ingredients, but there is not as much waiting time.

Day 4

Weight: 114 lbs (down 2.4 lbs. total)

Zit Count: 10 (down 9 total)
My skin is still improving each day. I'm halfway through the challenge and half of zits have disappeared. By my calculations...I might have clear skin by day 7!

How I feel today:
I still feel good today. Not quite as energetic as yesterday but still good. I've started having a few more cravings for non raw food. When that happens, I will make a smoothie or have a few almonds and then the craving goes away.

Things I've eaten and plan to eat:
Today I'm still trying to stick mostly to fruits and vegetables. For breakfast I had a banana and almonds. For lunch I had salsa and an avocado with raw crackers. For dinner I will have a dry salad and a smoothie.

Last night, I ate a little salad, while my husband ate beef and broccoli from one of my favorite Chinese restaurants. It didn't bother me at all. I surprised myself at how content I was eating the salad. Although, I have been craving my favorite...a Tiffany roll from that same restaurant. I may have to find a raw sushi recipe   For those eating raw... What are your most desired cravings?

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