Wednesday, December 5, 2012

DIY: The Glittered Candles

I love glitter. I love things that sparkle. So you can imagine how excited I was when...

Last week, I was out and about and saw the cutest silver glitter candles at the store. The store shall remain nameless... I wanted them so badly.  I knew just the place to put them. I would replace the boring yellow candles on my beautiful white candle sticks. As I grabbed one to put in my basket, I saw the price. HOLY COW! 15 bucks a piece and I needed two. There was no way I was going to pay $30 on two stupid candles, even though they weren't stupid at all.  They were perfect and girly and splarkley and completely fabulous ! And that's when it hit me... I have glitter at home! I can make them myself! Yippee!!!

So I put the candle down and did everything I could to keep myself from running out the door. I was so excited to go home and glitter my candles. Why hadn't I thought of it before?

So here's what I did, to make the most fabulous candles ever!

1. Get all of your supplies. I was lucky enough to have everything already.
  • Silver spray paint
  •  Candles
  •  Elmer's Glue
  •  Glitter
  •  Paint Brush
  •  Clear Acrylic Sealer -glossy formula-don't get the matte formula. It's what I had, but it dulls the   sparkle, and no one needs their sparkle dulled! (OPTIONAL)

2. Spray paint your candles. You may need to do a couple of coats. They don't have to be sprayed perfectly because they will be covered in glitter. But you do want the candles completely painted.

3. After your candles have dried. Set up your workspace. You will want to put paper down. When I use glitter I put a plate under the item I am glittering. It catches the excess glitter and it can be reused.

 4. Paint the Elmer's glue on to a section of the candle. Then sprinkle the glitter over the wet glue until the glue is completely covered in glitter. Let it sit for a few seconds and then shake the candle and the excess glitter will fall off.

5. Repeat step 4 until the entire candle is covered with glitter. I also glittered the top of my candle. Let the candle dry for 15 minutes.

6. This step is optional. You can spray the acrylic sealer over the glitter. It may dull the sparkle a little. I did not spray the sealer on my candles because I only had a matte finish sealer. I am putting my candles in a place where they will not be touched or moved very often. So glitter should stay on fairly well. If you use the sealer, spay the candles and then let them dry for 15-20 minutes. Then you will have fabulous glittered candles!

I don't recommend burning your candles. I'm not sure what they would do, but it probably wouldn't be good. Here is a before and after of my candles.



 I loved my candles so much, that I went crazy glittering things in my house. My Husband was thrilled! Here are a few things that I also glittered...

I hope that you have so much fun making your glittered candles! Comment below and let me know how your candles turned out.

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