Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bacon Maple Cupcakes

I LOVE BACON! I have been a vegetarian off and on for many years, but I can't ever turn down bacon! 

I have wanted to try a bacon cupcake for the longest time, but none of the bakeries around town have them. And when I ask for them, they look at me like I'm crazy. I have found bacon milkshakes and bacon doughnuts.  They were delicious!

I looked up a few recipes online, but I didn't want to go to all of the trouble of making them from scratch. So I created my own recipe using a box of cake mix and a tub of frosting. It turned out pretty good. I think I might tweak a few things over time, but for now here is what I did...

Maple Bacon Cupcakes

  • Box of any Vanilla Cake Mix
  • Tub of any Vanilla Frosting
  • 1/2 cup of Vegetable Oil
  • 1 cup of Water
  • 3 Eggs 
  • 1 Package of Bacon Minced
  • 3.4 oz of Pure Maple Syrup
  • 1 Tbs. of bacon drippings (left in refrigerator to become solid)
  • Salt (optional) 
  • Butter (optional)


Fry bacon, the crispier the better. Put aside for later. (I had to hide mine, to be sure I wouldn't eat it all) Place 1 Tbs. of bacon drippings in the refrigerator to solidify. Preheat oven to 325 F. Make cake mix according to the box instructions.  Add 4 Tbs. of maple syrup. Add 1 Tbs. of solid bacon drippings. Add a small scoop of butter (optional). Add a tiny tiny pinch of salt (optional). Add 1/2 cup of minced bacon. Mix together. Place batter in cupcake liners and bake for 15 mins. Rotate pan after 7 mins for even baking.
  While they are baking, its time to make the frosting. I use the mixer for this. It makes the frosting very smooth and creamy. Mix 1 tub of frosting and 3 Tbs. of maple syrup. Add a tiny tiny pinch of salt (optional). After the cupcakes have cooled its time to frost and top the cupcakes. I put my frosting in a large zip lock bag and cut the corner off and use it like a piping bag. Sprinkle the cupcakes with the minced bacon. Add a small sprinkle off salt to the top of the cupcakes, if the frosting is too sweet for you.

These are a very unique treat, definitely worth trying once!


  1. Ashley,
    I'm wondering how these turned out and if you have made any variations to your recipe. I am going to try this for my husband's birthday cake this week.

  2. Try adding cinnamon, ginger, and walnut or broken pecan in your batter and make sure your mother is not around so you won't slap her.
